

Creating a ladders and ropes game – a competition between groups

A game of ladders and ropes! new! Creating ladders and ropes in the ClapLab game generator!
From now on enter and create a ladders and ropes game to play in the classroom in an easy and fun way.

Video tutorial on creating a ladders and ropes game in the game generator

How do you create a ladders and ropes game?

  • Creating ladders and ropes (or creating a ladders and snakes game) – enter the ClapLab game generator, choose to create a new game and choose ladders and ropes from the list.
  • Creating the questions – enter questions or choose questions from the question pool that already exists for them in ClapLab, it doesn’t matter if these are open or closed questions.
  • Activating and testing the game – click on PLAY or on sharing at the top of the screen.
    And you get the link to the game that you can play or share.
  • Activating and sharing the game – send the game to others or activate it ourselves.
Ladders and ropes game - a self-starting group game in the ClapLab game generator
Ladders and ropes game – a self-starting group game in the ClapLab game generator

How do you activate the game Ladders and Ropes?

Once we’ve created the game and entered the questions into ClapLab’s question system,
Goes to the game’s settings screen which allows us to decide on the nature of the game and its operation:

The settings screen of the ladders and ropes game in the ClapLab game generator
The settings screen of the ladders and ropes game in the ClapLab game generator

Initially we can choose the number of teams that will play in the game between two teams and four teams .
Then we can type the names of the participating groups , as chosen by the operator or by the groups themselves.

The next definition is whether the order of the questions we entered will be random or fixed.
A fixed order will help ensure that the questions we want the groups to know come up first.
Random order will make the game more surprising.
We can choose whether there will be time to answer a question (to create tension and challenge) and how much time there will be for each answer.

In the game of ladders and ropes there is a custom that during the last round the players do not win until they get the exact number that leads to the last slot.
And yet there are those who prefer the game to end as soon as we have reached or passed the last slot.
And this is an option! Will the player step back at the end or win anyway ?

The last setting is a board size option, and here you can choose between a small (40 slots), medium (60 slots) or large (104 slots) board.
Our recommendation is to choose according to the amount of questions, the nature of the players, and the time allocated to the game.

Let’s go to the game! Let’s use ladders and ropes

After creating the game we will go to the opening screen which can be projected to the players until they are organized and ready to start the game.

A new addition to the group games: even while waiting you can determine and change the names of the groups!

The opening screen of the game in the ClapLab game generator
The opening screen of the game in the ClapLab game generator

When everyone is ready, click to play>> and start playing.

Each group in turn presses the die or the space key on the keyboard and rolls the die, the circle that represents the group will advance according to the number that came out in the die draw.

If the group reaches the ladder … right before going up the ladder, the group will be asked to answer a question, a correct answer and the group will be caught up the ladder, an incorrect answer and the group will stay in place.
The same thing will happen when the group reaches a rope or a pipe … just before sliding down, a question will come up, and this time a correct answer will help the group to take advantage of the descent.

According to the game settings, the team that reaches the end of the game first is the winning team!

A large game board in the ClapLab trivia game
A large game board in the ClapLab trivia game

Game over! Announcing the winners!

After one of the teams has reached the last slot, or by clicking end game in the settings button, we will get a cute animation that will show the winners of the game.

The winners screen for the ladders and ropes game in the ClapLab game generator
The winners screen for the ladders and ropes game in the ClapLab game generator

The game is the first of the group games with a new and updated design that we have developed in recent months, some of them have gone up to the generator and some of them are up these days.

Have you created a cool game? Contact us and send us a link to the game .
Do you have any questions? Enter the ClapLab Facebook group and consult with the ClapLab experts

Want to add ladders and ropes to your school? As part of the digital content? Contact us and we will be happy to help and guide you.

We called the game Ladders and Ropes, and of course some call it Ladders and Snakes, so if you were looking for Ladders and Snakes you are in the right place 🙂


Find the phrases hidden in bulk 3 difficulty levels

Explanation of the game

The players have to find phrases and words hidden in the bulk
On the side is the word bank that shows the words that need to be found
Once all the words are found the game will end successfully

Option to combine text

Single game

Suitable for all ages

Advantages of the game:

Automatic creation of the bulk and each player gets a shuffled table

Easy variable game level selection | medium | Difficult with entry level option.

Choosing a design for bulk colors, the size of the table and of course the words to search for

How do you create the game?

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share

Extra points in bulk game

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share


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משתתפים בחידון טריוויה ונעזרים בגלגלי הצלה

הסבר על המשחק

שעשועון הטריוויה המוכר בו יכולים לשחק 2-4 קבוצות.
מטרת המשחק לצבור כמה שיותר נקודות.
לכל קבוצה יש אפשרות להשתמש בעזרים
פעם אחת ברמז, בחבר טלפוני ובצמצום 50% מהתשובות (חמישים חמישים)


אפשרות לשילוב טקסט


אפשרות לשילוב מדיה


משחק קבוצתי


מתאים לכל הגילאים

יתרונות המשחק:


שלושה גלגלי הצלה אפשריים.

מספר קבוצות גמיש.


אפשרות להגבלת זמן לשאלה.

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

  • מקלידים שאלות
  • מקלידים תשובה נכונה ותשובות לא נכונות (מסיחים)
  • משייכים את השאלות למשחק שיוצרים
  • בקישור המשחק בוחרים את שמות הקבוצות
  • בוחרים האם סדר רנדומלי או קבוע לשאלות
  • מפעילים את המשחק מול הקבוצות המתחרות
  • עונים על שאלות, בוחרים “עזרה”, משחקים ונהנים!

נקודות נוספות במשחק טריוויה

  • לאיזור השאלות הנבחרות מוסיפים שאלות סגורות בלבד
  • ניתן לשחק ולעצור את המשחק בכל זמן שרוצים
  • מומלץ להתאים שאלות לרמת השחקנים
  • מצריך כמות שאלות גמישה ולא מחייבת
  • משחק מבוסס ידע
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Creating a ladders and ropes game – a competition between groups

הסבר קצר כפי שמופיע בעמוד “התבניות שלנו”

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Creating a ladders and ropes game – a competition between groups

הסבר על המשחק

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