

Creating an “X-Circle” game combined with trivia in the game generator

The game “X Circle” is a fun and fast game. Like many games, it can also be created in the ClapLab game generator. In this tutorial post about creating an “X Circle” game we will explain and detail how to create the game in ClapLab.A screen with the X Circle game board at ClapLab A screen with the game board of “X circle” in ClapLab in the game XO, or in its English names tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses, sometimes also known in Hebrew as “X mix dricks”, the players in the game compete with each other in creating a continuous column, row or diagonal by marking X or O depending on what they chose for themselves at the beginning of the game. For more explanation on Wikipedia about the game X circle>> In the generator, we added an extension to the game where the players have to answer a question before they get the right to add their X or circle to the board. A correct answer will allow the marker to be added to the game board, an incorrect answer will pass the turn to the other team. The game is a team game and unlike other team games in ClapLab you can only play it with up to two teams.

What are the steps to create an “X Circle” game?

  • Enter ClapLab .
  • Select Create a new game.
  • Choose the X circle game.
  • Type in the questions and answers, or choose from the pool of questions for the game that we have previously entered.
  • That’s it, the game is ready 🙂
An explanatory video about creating an “X Circle” game

A combination of knowledge and strategy

In the game “X Circle” a game strategy is combined in choosing the correct square where we want to place our shape, with knowledge of the subject in which the game was written, because only answering the questions correctly will allow the shape to be placed in the place we chose. Additional elements of group dynamics and formation also enter into the atmosphere of the game that is created in the place where the game is played.

The question screen in the X-Circle ClapLab trivia game
The question screen in the X-Circle ClapLab trivia game

When is it right to use the “X circle” game?

The game is a relatively fast game, so we recommend using it as an opening game or a summary as part of a training set or lesson. “X circle” is an excellent spice for presenting a topic and making it accessible to the players, or for summarizing the topic in the minutes remaining at the end of the game or until the break. Both the players and the moderators are not afraid and feel the fun when there is an “X Circle” game, because it is clear to everyone that it will be fast and fun. This, unlike games where it is not always clear when the end of the game will come. The game can also be played in zoom, as you can see in the example in the video in front of you: In the video, we run an “X Circle” game as a summary topic for the training we gave to the participants at the ClapLab launch event. For more information about the X Circle game and explanations click here>>

Play a sample game of X Circle>>

“X Circle” trivia game options

  • In the game you can enter questions with 2-4 answers (American questions).
  • Game operators can choose a random order for the questions to be presented.
  • You can choose whether there will be an allotted time for answering a question (to increase gameplay).
  • At the beginning of the game, enter the names of the teams (to increase identification and connection to the game).

Tic-Tac-ToeLogo of the game “X Circle”X Circle Trivia game in the ClapLab game generator “X Circle” trivia game in the ClapLab game generator


Find the phrases hidden in bulk 3 difficulty levels

Explanation of the game

The players have to find phrases and words hidden in the bulk
On the side is the word bank that shows the words that need to be found
Once all the words are found the game will end successfully

Option to combine text

Single game

Suitable for all ages

Advantages of the game:

Automatic creation of the bulk and each player gets a shuffled table

Easy variable game level selection | medium | Difficult with entry level option.

Choosing a design for bulk colors, the size of the table and of course the words to search for

How do you create the game?

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share

Extra points in bulk game

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share


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משתתפים בחידון טריוויה ונעזרים בגלגלי הצלה

הסבר על המשחק

שעשועון הטריוויה המוכר בו יכולים לשחק 2-4 קבוצות.
מטרת המשחק לצבור כמה שיותר נקודות.
לכל קבוצה יש אפשרות להשתמש בעזרים
פעם אחת ברמז, בחבר טלפוני ובצמצום 50% מהתשובות (חמישים חמישים)


אפשרות לשילוב טקסט


אפשרות לשילוב מדיה


משחק קבוצתי


מתאים לכל הגילאים

יתרונות המשחק:


שלושה גלגלי הצלה אפשריים.

מספר קבוצות גמיש.


אפשרות להגבלת זמן לשאלה.

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

  • מקלידים שאלות
  • מקלידים תשובה נכונה ותשובות לא נכונות (מסיחים)
  • משייכים את השאלות למשחק שיוצרים
  • בקישור המשחק בוחרים את שמות הקבוצות
  • בוחרים האם סדר רנדומלי או קבוע לשאלות
  • מפעילים את המשחק מול הקבוצות המתחרות
  • עונים על שאלות, בוחרים “עזרה”, משחקים ונהנים!

נקודות נוספות במשחק טריוויה

  • לאיזור השאלות הנבחרות מוסיפים שאלות סגורות בלבד
  • ניתן לשחק ולעצור את המשחק בכל זמן שרוצים
  • מומלץ להתאים שאלות לרמת השחקנים
  • מצריך כמות שאלות גמישה ולא מחייבת
  • משחק מבוסס ידע
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Creating an “X-Circle” game combined with trivia in the game generator

הסבר קצר כפי שמופיע בעמוד “התבניות שלנו”

הסבר על המשחק

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Creating an “X-Circle” game combined with trivia in the game generator

הסבר על המשחק

הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק

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