

Create a “Hanging Man” game in the game generator

How do you create a digital “hanging man” game? Continuing the series we started with creating a trivia game and creating a puzzle , below is a tutorial on creating a “hanging man” in the ClapLab game generator .

Creating a hanging man game

  1. Enter the game generator ClapLab , register and connect.
  2. In creating a new game choose Hangman .
  3. In editing the game click on editing questions.
  4. In the list that opens, type the words that need to be discovered.
  5. Type the question /hint to the answer or upload a picture that will be a hint.
  6. Add auxiliary letters that will be displayed to the user and will help in discovering the word.
  7. Enter all the questions .
  8. Guards and “hanging man” ready!

In “Hanged Man” there are additional and special options for entering the questions. You can record or upload a recording that will be played with the question, or after the players answer the question (MP3 files or a recording in the generator itself). You can also upload images that will be displayed in the questions themselves instead of text. Of course, as in all generator games, you can choose the general settings, design and choose the visibility and texts of the opening screen (pop-up).

“Game Settings” Options

As in any game, you can choose “Hanged Man” by clicking on the “Game Settings” button and discover its special adjustments. In “Hanged Man” you can determine whether the questions will be presented in the order you want or in a random order, choose the color of the emphasis of a correct letter and choose the keyboard layout.

Creating questions for the game Hangman in the game generator ClapLab
Creating questions for the game “Hanging Man” in the game generator ClapLab

Hanging Man graphic editing options

In the game you can choose a color, change size and place the different elements that are on the screen. In the advanced JSON editing, you can add and edit a lot of settings that really change the game (showing the hanging man, English support and more). In “Hanged Man” there are several such:

  1. Keyboard – the place on which the players click and the click is their choice (or guess) for the letter that appears in the word that needs to be discovered.
  2. The word itself – the area where the clue lines appear for the word or words that need to be discovered in the specific question.
  3. Hint or picture – a picture or text that will be shown to the players and will help them discover the correct answer.
  4. Title – as in all individual games in the generator, you can choose and edit the title of the game.
  5. The Hanging Man – in the current version of the generator, they chose that the “hanging man” himself will not appear, in order to prevent the players from being “disqualified”. However, with advanced editing it is possible to bring it back to the game, display and place it as well. The Hanging Man is built from a sequence of images, so that for each “mistake” of the players, a more advanced image is shown in the timeline. Of course, you can also choose the pictures themselves.

For more explanations on creating a dependent and the various options, click here>>

When is it right to create a “hanging man”?

The great advantage of “Hanging Man” is that it allows success in guessing, and at the same time brings the participants closer to thinking and learning. Therefore, it is recommended to use the game template when you want to teach or reinforce learning related to phrases or concepts that the players should know, but do not yet associate them directly with the match. An excellent example is in language learning. You can see a picture of the word or even see it in English and you have to guess or find out the word that translates it. The actress or actor sees the number of characters, maybe also receives one letter in advance that directs them and from there the path to discovering and assimilating the new word we learned is short. “Hanging Man” has a counterpart in our group game and it is the “Wheel of Fortune” game, which we wrote about in the explanatory post Creating the Wheel of Fortune Game in the ClapLab Game Generator. Even in the “Wheel of Fortune” game you have to guess letters and there are clues that guide us, only that there the competition is between teams and the dynamics are different of course.hangman “Hanging Man” game logo The “Hanging Man” template is one of the favorite templates of the game creators in the generator, and the players themselves also like this template very much. In addition, it is easy for simple editing and complex editing (using the JSON or advanced editing) allows a lot of options for the game creators. That’s why we recommend many creators who start with the generator to work with her and learn from her how the generator and game creation work.


Find the phrases hidden in bulk 3 difficulty levels

Explanation of the game

The players have to find phrases and words hidden in the bulk
On the side is the word bank that shows the words that need to be found
Once all the words are found the game will end successfully

Option to combine text

Single game

Suitable for all ages

Advantages of the game:

Automatic creation of the bulk and each player gets a shuffled table

Easy variable game level selection | medium | Difficult with entry level option.

Choosing a design for bulk colors, the size of the table and of course the words to search for

How do you create the game?

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share

Extra points in bulk game

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share


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משתתפים בחידון טריוויה ונעזרים בגלגלי הצלה

הסבר על המשחק

שעשועון הטריוויה המוכר בו יכולים לשחק 2-4 קבוצות.
מטרת המשחק לצבור כמה שיותר נקודות.
לכל קבוצה יש אפשרות להשתמש בעזרים
פעם אחת ברמז, בחבר טלפוני ובצמצום 50% מהתשובות (חמישים חמישים)


אפשרות לשילוב טקסט


אפשרות לשילוב מדיה


משחק קבוצתי


מתאים לכל הגילאים

יתרונות המשחק:


שלושה גלגלי הצלה אפשריים.

מספר קבוצות גמיש.


אפשרות להגבלת זמן לשאלה.

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

  • מקלידים שאלות
  • מקלידים תשובה נכונה ותשובות לא נכונות (מסיחים)
  • משייכים את השאלות למשחק שיוצרים
  • בקישור המשחק בוחרים את שמות הקבוצות
  • בוחרים האם סדר רנדומלי או קבוע לשאלות
  • מפעילים את המשחק מול הקבוצות המתחרות
  • עונים על שאלות, בוחרים “עזרה”, משחקים ונהנים!

נקודות נוספות במשחק טריוויה

  • לאיזור השאלות הנבחרות מוסיפים שאלות סגורות בלבד
  • ניתן לשחק ולעצור את המשחק בכל זמן שרוצים
  • מומלץ להתאים שאלות לרמת השחקנים
  • מצריך כמות שאלות גמישה ולא מחייבת
  • משחק מבוסס ידע
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Create a “Hanging Man” game in the game generator

הסבר קצר כפי שמופיע בעמוד “התבניות שלנו”

הסבר על המשחק

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Create a “Hanging Man” game in the game generator

הסבר על המשחק

הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק

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