

Hanukkah games produced in the ClapLab workshop

About two weeks ago we told about the ClapLab workshop on Hanukkah games .

Workshop for Hanukkah games

The workshop was held on Wednesday 11/30/22 in a Zoom meeting. The workshop participants were the game creators of ClapLab.
The workshop included training and an explanation of the games that can be created in the generator, the difference between group games and individual games and some other tips and options for creating games in the generator.

After the explanations and details, the participants chose the games they wanted to create, the target age of the players and what style the games they created would be.
The participants worked together and separately on games and received great games for the Hanukkah holiday!

The games created in the workshop

The games created by the participants are varied and special and below is the list of the games, an explanation of them and links so that you too can enjoy the games.

Puzzle game for Hanukkah – finding the lost urn

The creator of the game: Elisheva
Target age: Primary ages 3 and up
Game Type: Puzzle
Game group: individual game

Elisheva created a Hanukkah themed puzzle game. The puzzle game is a question puzzle type, where in order to get the puzzle pieces you have to answer a question and then you get the part that needs to be put together.

Link to the game Finding the Lost Jar A puzzle game for Hanukkah>>

Puzzle game for Hanukkah the lost jar ClapLab workshop
Puzzle game for Hanukkah the lost jar ClapLab workshop

Crackers game for Hanukkah – high school level and above

Creators of the game: Alona Katovitz and Esnat Kaliman
Target age: high school and above
Game Type: Cracks
Group game: team game

Esnat and Alona teamed up to create a particularly challenging game based on the pattern of the cracking game.
The game combines questions where players are hinted at the first letter in the answer and they must type the correct answer.
The aim of the game: to create a sequence of squares from right to left or from top to bottom.

Link to the cracking game for Hanukkah>>

Cracking game for Hanukkah Alona Katovitz and Esnat Kaliman ClapLab workshop
Cracking game for Hanukkah Alona Katovitz and Esnat Kaliman ClapLab workshop

A line drawing game and a true/false game – special for Hanukkah

Game creator: Keren Rosenzweig
Target age: elementary grades 1-2
Type of game: drawing a line and playing true/false
Game group: individual game

Keren created two great games during the workshop and managed to design both in record time.
In the “drawing a line” game, the players have to draw a line between Hanukkah concepts and the pictures that correspond to them.
And in the “True/False” game you have to choose whether the sentence is written and punctuated correctly or incorrectly.

Link to the game of drawing a line for the Hanukkah holiday – Rosenzweig Foundation >>

Link to the Hanukkah true-false game – Rosenzweig Foundation >>

A nest pulling game for Hanukkah Keren Rosenzweig ClapLab workshop
Line drawing game for the Hanukkah holiday Keren Rosenzweig ClapLab workshop

Photo discovery game for the Hanukkah holiday – Tova

Game creator: Tova
Target age: Elementary
Game Type: Image Discovery
Game group: individual game

Tova created a great game where you choose a slot and in each slot you choose a question comes up. If the question is answered correctly, a part of the image will be revealed under the selected slot.
The goal – to reveal the whole picture and discover it.

Link to the Hanukkah picture discovery game – Tova>>

A photo discovery game for Hanukkah created by Tova in the ClapLab workshop
A photo discovery game for Hanukkah created by Tova in the ClapLab workshop

Crack game 2 – Liat

Game creator: Liat
Target age: high school
Game Type: Cracks
Group game: team game

Liat made a great cracking game for competition between groups in the class. The game combines knowledge questions about Hanukkah. thematic
The questions and content are adapted to middle school age and the game is of course ready to play.

Crackers game for Hanukkah – high school – Liat >>

The cracking board of the Hanukkah cracking game created by Liat of the ClapLab workshop
The cracking board of the Hanukkah cracking game created by Liat of the ClapLab workshop

Discovery game 9 for Hanukkah – ClapLab team

The creator of the game: Discovery 9 (nine squared)
Target age: Elementary
Game Type: Discovery 9
Game group: individual game

The plan was that the ClapLab team would accompany the creators in training, adding images, etc.
However, we’ve seen participants get by on their own and create great games. So we took advantage of the time and created ourselves a game for Hanukkah 🙂
In the game, questions appear inside the table, the answers to which appear in another slot in the table.
The players click on the correct answer and the slot they clicked on becomes the slot of the next question.

Nine in the square Hanukkah – ClapLab team>>

Nine in a square for the Hanukkah holiday, a game produced in the ClapLab workshop
Nine in a square for the Hanukkah holiday, a game produced in the ClapLab workshop

Additional games produced in the workshop

In the workshop there were other participants who participated and produced games. The games they created were not fully completed so we did not add them to the list of games.
Among the games created: a Hanukkah bingo game, a Hanukkah trivia game and much more 🙂

Thank you to all the participants of the workshop who created great games, shared with us the experience of creating games and helped us add light, knowledge and joy to the Hanukkah holiday.

ClapLab workshops

In the coming months, we are delivering ClapLab workshops across the country to schools, academic colleges, generator subscribers and other places that want to create a different and innovative study and learning experience.
If you are interested in such a workshop, you are welcome to contact us and we will be happy to come to you for an amazing workshop of creation and creativity.

The workshop is approved in the Gefen program of the education game and the generator is approved in the content tender.

Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Games created in the ClapLab Hanukkah workshop
Games created in the ClapLab Hanukkah workshop

המשחקים שנוצרו

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Find the phrases hidden in bulk 3 difficulty levels

Explanation of the game

The players have to find phrases and words hidden in the bulk
On the side is the word bank that shows the words that need to be found
Once all the words are found the game will end successfully

Option to combine text

Single game

Suitable for all ages

Advantages of the game:

Automatic creation of the bulk and each player gets a shuffled table

Easy variable game level selection | medium | Difficult with entry level option.

Choosing a design for bulk colors, the size of the table and of course the words to search for

How do you create the game?

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share

Extra points in bulk game

  • In the question editing area, enter the words that will appear in bulk
  • Images can be combined as questions in the word bank
  • On the main screen, choose colors and locations for the bulk table
  • Save the bulk game and share


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משתתפים בחידון טריוויה ונעזרים בגלגלי הצלה

הסבר על המשחק

שעשועון הטריוויה המוכר בו יכולים לשחק 2-4 קבוצות.
מטרת המשחק לצבור כמה שיותר נקודות.
לכל קבוצה יש אפשרות להשתמש בעזרים
פעם אחת ברמז, בחבר טלפוני ובצמצום 50% מהתשובות (חמישים חמישים)


אפשרות לשילוב טקסט


אפשרות לשילוב מדיה


משחק קבוצתי


מתאים לכל הגילאים

יתרונות המשחק:


שלושה גלגלי הצלה אפשריים.

מספר קבוצות גמיש.


אפשרות להגבלת זמן לשאלה.

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

  • מקלידים שאלות
  • מקלידים תשובה נכונה ותשובות לא נכונות (מסיחים)
  • משייכים את השאלות למשחק שיוצרים
  • בקישור המשחק בוחרים את שמות הקבוצות
  • בוחרים האם סדר רנדומלי או קבוע לשאלות
  • מפעילים את המשחק מול הקבוצות המתחרות
  • עונים על שאלות, בוחרים “עזרה”, משחקים ונהנים!

נקודות נוספות במשחק טריוויה

  • לאיזור השאלות הנבחרות מוסיפים שאלות סגורות בלבד
  • ניתן לשחק ולעצור את המשחק בכל זמן שרוצים
  • מומלץ להתאים שאלות לרמת השחקנים
  • מצריך כמות שאלות גמישה ולא מחייבת
  • משחק מבוסס ידע
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Hanukkah games produced in the ClapLab workshop

הסבר קצר כפי שמופיע בעמוד “התבניות שלנו”

הסבר על המשחק

הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק

יתרונות המשחק:

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק
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Hanukkah games produced in the ClapLab workshop

הסבר על המשחק

הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק הסבר (ארוך יותר) על המשחק

יתרונות המשחק:

איך יוצרים את המשחק?

הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק הוראות ליצירת המשחק
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